Same Gender Wedding


Let us bow our heads and begin with a prayer.  Beloved God, Essence of Love, and Source of Hope, open our hearts and fill us with Your Presence.

You graciously give to us the longing for love and the capability of loving, and we give you thanks for ____ and ____: for their beautiful hearts and willing spirits, and for the example of love that they embody here today.

Elevate us to an awareness of the Sacred and the Eternal, as we celebrate this miraculous moment in their lives. Be with them on this joyous occasion of showing their love and making their vows; and be with us, their witnesses, that we might all be inspired by the blessings shared today.  We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

“Love Us” Prayer

Love us Gracious God, for we are your sons/daughters, who adore you.

We are the girls/boys you brought into this world.

We are the girls/boys who were taught the meaning of love…

Love us, O God, for we are your daughters/sons.

Are we really to believe what the harsh critics say about our love?

Love us Gracious God, for we are gay.

Love us because we share that love with each other in your image.

Love us, Abba, because we know you do. That is why we have faith in you.

Bless our love. Honor our commitment to each other.

Give us the power and wisdom to honor our love for each other as we promise to do, as we exchange vows together today.

Bless us, Gracious God, and this marriage we enter into today.

We forge it in your name and because of your teachings.

We ask for your blessings because we make this love to honor your request.

We know you love us because we are gay. We know you love us because you made us this way.

Thank you, Abba, for bringing us together. Thank you for loving each of us equally and independently. Thank you for loving us as a couple.

Thank you for giving us the strength we need to love each other.

Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for our marriage today.



As you repeat these vows, look directly into your partner’s eyes.  It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul, therefore as you profess your vows to each other, look directly into your partner’s eyes and let your souls connect.

____ & ____ please repeat after me:

From this day on I choose you to be my beloved soul mate,

to live with you and laugh with you;

to stand by your side and sleep in your arms;

to be joy to your heart and food to your soul;

to bring out the best in you always;

to be the best I can be, just for you;

to celebrate with you in the good times;

to struggle with you in the bad;

to solace you when you are downhearted;

to wipe your tears with my hands;

to comfort you and care for you with my soul;

to share with you everything that I have;

as we treat each other with tenderness, compassion and love;

I give you my heart today and forever.